

Thursday, November 7, 2013

iPhones, Profit & Consumerism: A Look At Business In The Past & Now

A little while ago, the iPhone sold 9 million, a considerable amount, especially in comparison with the business of yesteryear, when audiences where smaller and production wasn't on quite a grand scale as it is now.

  I think it's really great that we now have the capacity to produce so much, but it seems to be at a cost which is negative sometimes; it really seems more about making money than it does serving the customer. iPhones are expensive, and they come out so often with a new version, even if it doesn't have much difference. Not only that, they constantly change the accessories, even the chargers, which is just another way of making more money it seems. The price itself seems a bit high, since it doesn't cost nearly as much to make the products, in factories overseas by people who are underpaid and overworked.

     Now don't get me wrong, I actually like that Apple products are simple and easy to use, and I like what they do with them a lot, but this is just part of an overall problem, and it's the consumerism that's taken hold in our society. Companies seek to make maximum profits, with a 30% profit no longer being acceptable as it was for businesses long ago, 300% and even 3000% profits are sought after. Those just being examples though.

     The problem is that it's become normal for companies to put out a cheaper product, charge much more than what it costs to make, and then replace it shortly after, with a public that buys those products up. I don't think most people buy into all the ads(propaganda), but there are a lot who do; so many people have to have the latest and newest of whatever product is being sold, no matter what the cost. Frugality is a trait rarely seen these days I think.

     I believe this should extend to other areas of life as well; living within one's means, not just with buying, which includes antiques and vintage items, but also living space and time management. The world is so fast paced now, and people can tend to make little to no time to themselves, to relax. Everything has to be done immediately, and instant gratification is the norm, if not becoming the norm.

     Overall, what I'm trying to say is to be careful and not spend too much; I think our culture has become too materialistic, when it already could have been less, and I myself am guilty of materialism sometimes. Perhaps something will change in our culture, but I think not; I think that we will continue to be more materialistic, and that companies will continue to turn out products for more than what they are worth; and we will still buy them.

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